Earlier hospice admission allows both the patient and family to receive the full benefit of hospice services. When pain and symptoms are effectively controlled, people feel better and have the potential to live a better, more meaningful life. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions regarding hospice eligibility.
*While no specific number of symptoms is required when qualifying for hospice, the following guidelines can help determine if a patient’s condition is, or will soon be, appropriate for hospice care.

- Patient has been diagnosed with a life-limiting conditon with a prognosis of six months or less if their disease runs its normal course
- Frequent hospitalizations and/or ER visits in the past six months
- Progressive weight loss (taking into consideration edema weight); > 10% loss of body weight over the last 4-6 months
- INcreasing weakness, fatigue, and somnolence.
- A change in cognitive functional abilities
- Compromised Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) such as eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring/walking, and continence.
- Deteriorating mental abilities
- Recurrent infections
- Skin Breakdown
- Specific delcine in condition
* These guidelines are provided as a tool and not as a rep,acement for a physician’s professional judgement to help determine when their patients meet clinical guidelines for hospice eligibility. Contact us with any questions about eligibility.
We often hear from families, “I wish we would have called sooner, so we could have enjoyed more of our time together.” We understand having the hospice conversation can be difficult. Below are some talking points to help, and a member of our team is always available to have this difficult conversation with your patients and their family members if you prefer. Call or chat with us anytime 24/7.
- Many people think hospice care is only for the last few days of life, when in fact patients can receive it much earlier, as long as the terminal diagnosis is certified. The most frequent feedback we hear from families is that they wish they had learned of hospice sooner.
- Hospice focuses on quality of life for the time that remains – managing pain and symptoms as well as providing emotional and spiritual support.
- The hospice benefit is available through Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurances. It provides additional support services to help the patient and family cope with the advancing illness.
- Patients can elect hospice care regardless of the presence or absence of an advance directive.
- The hospice benefit covers prescriptions, equipment, and supplies for the terminal and related diagnoses.
- Hospice supports patients and their families with spiritual and emotional care, including 13 months of bereavement support.