While many people associate palliative care with end-of-life care, it can be provided at any stage of a serious illness, including those still seeking curative treatment or not quite ready for hospice care. Our team at Solaris Healthcare is committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive palliative care services to eligible patients and their families.
While no specific number of symptoms is required when qualifying for palliative care, the following guidelines can help determine if a patient’s condition is, or will soon be, appropriate for palliative care.

- A patient must be under the care of – and have an order from – a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner to receive Palliative Care services.
- Patients with end stage or late-stage chronic conditions can still qualify for palliative care even if they are still seeking curative care and are not quite ready for hospice.
*These guidelines are provided as a tool and not as a replacement for a physician’s professional judgment to help determine when their patients meet clinical guidelines for palliative eligibility. Contact us with any questions about eligibility.
It can be difficult to broach the subject of palliative care with a patient who is dealing with a serious illness, or their family members who are watching their loved one struggle. However, it’s important to have this conversation early on before the symptoms become overwhelming. You can start by acknowledging the challenges they are facing, expressing your concern for their well-being, and encouraging their family members to do the same. Our team is here to help the patients and their families navigate these difficult conversations and make informed decisions about their care.