Home health is care that is provided in a patient’s home due to illness or injury. Home health allows patients to recover and rehabilitate in the comfort of their home while providing the same level of care many would expect to see from an in-patient facility at a lesser cost. The goal of home health is to treat an illness or injury in order to help the patient get better and regain the independence to become as self-sufficient as possible.
Our goal is to improve the functional status of patients suffering from a multitude of acute and chronic conditions and return them to as independent a lifestyle as possible, all in the comfort of their home.
Home Health Eligibility
Medicare and most insurances pay for home health as long as the patient meets eligibility criteria and if services are considered reasonable and necessary for treatment of the illness or injury.
Medicare covers home health 100% with no cost to the patient. Medicare replacement plans and private or commercial insurance plans also offer home health services, however; depending on the specific plans, benefits may vary slightly. Solaris can help you determine your insurance coverage so that you can get back on your feet.
Private payment is also accepted, referred to as “Self-Pay.”
Being homebound means, I am basically bedbound.
Homebound means that leaving home for any reason involves a considerable, taxing effort and requires the assistance of others or a supportive device.
If I am on home health I can no longer go to my doctor’s office for an appointment.
Patients are allowed to leave home for medical appointments. Solaris home health staff will work in conjunction with your physician(s) to ensure that updated orders and medications are also reflected in your home health care plan.
If I have home health, I am never allowed to leave my home.
Occasional absences from home for non-medical reasons are allowed, but they must be infrequent and still require considerable, taxing effort (often requiring rest periods during and after the outing). Short, infrequent outings such as a monthly trip to the hair salon, a family reunion, wedding, or funeral will not disqualify you from receiving home health care.
Patients with diagnoses of Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease who suffer periods of confusion are not eligible for home health.
Home health is available to help support the patient and improve their functional abilities. In cases of dementia or alzheimer’s disease, we can provide education and training to caregivers and family members.
The quality of care provided at home is inferior to traditional facilities.
Home health is usually less expensive, more convenient, and just as effective as care received in a traditional post-acute facility. Our clinicians hold the same medical certifications as those at hospitals, rehabs, skilled units, or outpatient facilities.
Home Health care is expensive.
Home health is often covered by your medical insurance provider. Traditional Medicare patients are eligible to receive home health with 100% coverage. Most managed care and commercial cnsurance plans also cover home health. Check with your specific plan for exact coverage information.
I have a long-term, chronic condition that disqualifies me from home health.
This is a common misconception! Although chronically ill patients may experience times where their condition worsens, medication changes as well as treatment adjustments and symptom management may indicate a need for home health.
I don’t think I am eligible to receive home health.
If you are under the care of a physician and have a new or exacerbated condition or diagnosis, the physician can initiate a home health referral on your behalf. As a patient you must have a need for skilled care (services provided by a Nurse, PT, OT or ST) and meet the homebound criteria. If you are interested in a home health referral, please reach out to your physician to schedule an appointment to discuss.

Highly skilled & experienced clinicians providing the same level of care you expect from an in-patient setting, but in the comfort of your own home.

Get all the answers from our home health care experts. Learn about available care services, eligibility, and more!